• Meet the Trees

    14 Nov , 2019
    Our trees are the result of many years of endeavour and investment in our own Christmas Tree plantations in Scotland. So now it’s time to introduce our trees. Norway Spruce trees are the ones we probably most associate with Christmas, whereas the Nordmann Fir is the one that is gaining in popularity because the needles don't tend to drop when the tree dries out.


  • New Additon: Festive Decoration Set & Service

    09 Oct , 2019

    Product alert, new product, something new, we're proud and all that sort of thing.  But yes - we are proud, we've worked hard to bring our Festive Decoration Sets to market and a lot of you have been asking for them. It is a simple process, you can view our Festive Decorations Sets, select the size of Christmas Tree you require and then choose your colour scheme, I think we...


  • Christmas Tree Decorations – Jumble Sale - Is now the Time

    27 Jun , 2019
    It's Summer, the world is hot and we're not far off the end of term, the excitement of Holidays looms, Car Boot Sales, Village Fetes and Jumble Sales.  Is now the time to clear the Attic.